Release Instructions

Some assumptions:

  • master is the default branch and is production-ready
  • non-'master' and non-'production' branches run the "primary" workflow which signs a "Debug" variant
  • though, users with access can manually "Start" a "deploy" build against a branch from the bitrise UI
  • commits made to master and production are built and pass in bitrise
  • the "deploy" workflow in bitrise runs and signs a "Release" variant APK
  • bitrise will test, build, and sign the APK for every build on every branch
  • production is our public release branch and may not match master
  • ideally, production will perfectly reproduce master
  • but if master is in an un-releasable state, we cherry-pick commits to this branch
  • this is an exception rather than the preferred maintenance method
  • no automated uploads to Google Play Console occur, manual artifact uploads (from bitrise's signed Release artifacts) are required for internal, closed, open, and production releases
  • Play Store has Internal (core team, email-restricted), Alpha (closed, email-restricted), and Production (everyone!) release channels configured
  • currently, no plans exist for "external" testers nor "Open" release channels
  • in the future we may create an open Beta testing channel to allow anyone outside of Mozilla to help us test in-progress work

Distributing Builds through bitrise (primary = branch, deploy = master)

all commits on all branches and pull requests are automatically built

  1. Push to the git branch available on and open a pull request
  2. Open bitrise from a mobile device and browse to the build
  3. bitrise access is currently private and email-restricted

Preparing a Release (for Internal, Alpha, or Production via Play Store)

  1. Update the release notes under docs/
  2. create a pull request to collaborate and get approval
  3. determine the next build number and include it in release notes
  4. merge the release notes to master branch
  5. this will result in a release build matching the build number provided
  6. Create and merge a pull request from master to production so it tracks the release
  8. Create a tag from production matching the format:
  9. for example: 1.2.1399 is major version 1.2, bitrise build 1399
  10. for example: is major version 1.3 with 1 patch release, (bitrise) build 1624
  11. git tag -a -s -m "1.3.1 (Build 1624)"
  12. push the tag to GitHub and create a corresponding "Release" on
  13. copy the release notes to the "Release" on GitHub
  14. download the -signed.apk from bitrise and attach it to the Release on GitHub
  15. open the -signed.apk and confirm release build does not allow screenshots and does not expose the contents of the app in the switcher
  16. Upload the -signed.apk (from bitrise) to the Play Console:
  17. browse to "Release Management" > "App Releases" > "Internal test track" > "Manage"
  18. "Create Release" and upload the signed APK, set the version to match the tag (for example: 1.2.1339) then "Review" and the build will be immediately available to the core team
  19. Browse to
  20. Download the app-mapping.txt (ProGuard rules) from bitrise and create an AndroidManifest.xml to map the file to the specific build: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="" package="mozilla.lockbox" android:versionCode="4053" android:versionName="1.1.1" > </manifest>
  21. Browse to "Android Vitals" and "Deobfusication files" and upload the app-mapping.txt file from
  22. Upload the mapping and manifest to Sentry using sentry-cli and following [these instructions](](
  23. HINT: if you get a 411 "content-length" error, you may need to add the --no-reprocessing flag due to a bug with GCP and the sentry-cli
  24. Continue the "Distributing..." instructions

In Case of Emergency (Release)

similar to above, but requires explicit cherry-pick commits on production branch when master branch is not in a release-able state

  1. Merge the emergency changes or fixes or features to default master branch as usual
  2. Update the release notes
  3. Create and merge a pull request up to and including the last release-able commit on master to production
  4. Then git cherry-pick each additional commit from master to be included in the release
  5. thus skipping or avoiding the non-release-able commits
  6. Push the resulting production branch to
  7. Create a tag from production matching the format:
  8. for example: git tag -a -s -m "1.3.1 (Build 1624)"
  9. Push the tag to GitHub and create a corresponding "Release" on
  10. copy the release notes to the "Release" on GitHub
  11. Browse to bitrise and find the desired production branch build to distribute
  12. Follow the same instructions above starting at Step 5.
  13. Continue the "Distributing..." instructions

Distributing Builds through Play Store (Internal, Alpha)

All builds must be manually uploaded from bitrise to Play Store Console as an artifact aka "New Release" in the "Preparing" instructions above. Only mobile engineering managers and Release Management team members (See #release-coordination) have access to create new non-production releases.

  1. Browse to App Releases in Play Console
  2. Browse to the "Internal test track" (this release should already be uploaded and available to the core Lockwise team)
  3. Promote the release to the (internal, still) Alpha channel using the "Promote to Alpha" button, complete the questions

Distributing through the Play Store (Production)

Only Release Management team members (see private #release-coordination channel in Mozilla Slack) have access to distribute production releases through the Play Store.

  1. Contact release management by filing a bug under Release Engineering: Release Requests
  2. Note the expected version, build and which channel it is in (internal? Alpha? Beta?). For example:
  3. Summary: Promote Lockwise Android 1.1.1 from Beta to Production channel in Play Store
  4. Description: We have a minor release to promote from Beta to Production by Tuesday (pending QA approval). APK: the version 1.1.1 (build 4057) in the Internal, Alpha, and Beta tracks is the current release candidate, but a newer build may be created in case of any potential "show stopper" bugs filed in the coming days.

NOTE: brand new apps may take 1 or more hours to appear in the Play Store whereas existing app (updates) can appear within minutes. Schedule accordingly!

Preparation before and after a release

  • Before testing or distributing a release: make sure the release number is still what you want and expect it to be, especially if major (versus minor) changes were made. (see below on how to "change the version").
  • Before public release: make sure no open "localization strings" Pull Requests are open
  • After public release: consider filing an issue for the next sprint/release to update to the latest dependencies (application-services, for example)
  • After public release: consider running mkdocs gh-deploy so the latest docs are also published to the GitHub pages website
  • After public release: change the version to a major or minor update depending on the future plans.
  • Update the versionName value (and versionCode if applicable) in app/build.gradle
  • Also update the value in the list_cell_setting_appversion.xml layout to the exact same version
  • After public release: make sure the app-mapping.txt (ProGuard rules) is uploaded to Sentry as part of the process earlier, do it now if not so your error reports are legible.